President Obama’s liking may boost Honest Tea’s sales

President Obama’s liking may boost Honest Tea’s salesNew York, January 30 : U. S. President Barack Obama's liking for its two flavours has raised a tea making company's hopes for increased sales in the near future.

A representative for organic beverage makers Honest Tea has revealed that Obama favours the Green Dragon Tea and Black Forest Berry flavours, and that he has stocked the White House with the drinks.

The company's representative says that Obama even keeps a stash on the official presidential helicopter.

"We have been contacted by the White House and there is, in fact, Honest Tea in the White House and it''s also on Marine One," the New York Daily News quoted the company's spokesperson as saying.

The President is said to like the two brands so much that one of his aide once drove two hours to find the tea in South Carolina, according to the Washington Post.

His fans are suggested to be clamouring to follow suit, with the teas flying off of the shelves in the D. C. area, where the company is based.

"We had a great January," said co-founder and CEO Seth Goldman.

He said that he was grateful to Obama for his unofficial endorsement.

"There''s no question that Black Forest Berry was sold out," he said.

Honest Tea was founded 11 years ago by Goldman and partner Barr Nalebuff and is based in Bethesda, Md.

The company makes 20 varieties of the health-conscious drink that do not use refined sugars.

Goldman revealed that they had created a limited number of "Barack Forest Berry" drinks for media at the inauguration, but it stopped there.

It''s "exciting" that the President digs the product, but "we don''t want to exploit this relationship, we are very happy for our product to sell on its own merit," he said. (ANI)
