General Politics

Clinton announces steps to counter piracy

Clinton announces steps to counter piracyWashington  - The United States will seek an immediate international meeting to broaden efforts against piracy off the coast of Somalia, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday.

Clinton said that previous steps to counter piracy have not been enough, pointing to the recent surge of assaults on commercial shipping and hostage taking in the Indian Ocean, including last week's seizure of an American-flagged vessel.

Greenlanders to vote for new home rule government in June

Greenlanders to vote for new home rule government in June Copenhagen/Nuuk, Greenland  - Voters in Greenland are to vote for a new home rule government June 2, the leader of the current home rule government said Wednesday.

The island territory is on June 21 set to gain more autonomy within Denmark under an agreement that coincides with the 30th anniversary of the existing home rule bill.

"I feel it is right to ask the people who should rule during the new era," Hans Enoksen of the ruling Siumut party said, according to the Sermitsiaq newspaper.

Tax Day in the US: Tea Party protests and last-minute filings

Tax Day in the US: Tea Party protests and last-minute filings Washington  - As US workers rushed to meet an annual deadline to file their tax returns, demonstrators fanned out across the country Wednesday for a series of "Tea Parties" to protest their heavy tax burdens and unnecessary government spending.

The protests drew their inspiration from the 1773 Boston Tea Party, where US colonialists protested unfair British taxes by throwing tea from three ships and into the Boston Harbour.

Disgraced former governor hopes for reality show remake

Disgraced former governor hopes for reality show remake Disgraced former governor hopes for reality show remake Los Angeles  - The US governor ousted from office after allegedly trying to sell the Senate seat vacated when Barack Obama was elected president has been cast in a popular reality TV show, according to the Hollywood Reporter Wednesday.

Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, who pleaded not guilty Tuesday to racketeering and fraud charges, is hoping to take part in the NBC summer reality series, I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!

Zimbabwe rights groups' vow protests against constitution

Zimbabwe rights groups' vow protests against constitutionZimbabwe rights groups' vow protests against constitutionHarare - A coalition of human rights groups in Zimbabwe has vowed on Wednesday to campaign against a new constitution, which is being drafted by the power-sharing government as part of the deal between President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

The group called the National Constitutional Assembly (NCA), made up of churches, workers groups, students and other activists, said it was hopeful that it could win a referendum set for next year.

California plans space-based solar power

California plans space-based solar power San Francisco  - Californians could soon be powering their homes, and no doubt their hot tubs, from a space-based solar electricity program.

The plan by the state's massive energy company PG&E calls for the generation of 200 megawatts over 15 years to be collected by space-based solar arrays and beamed down to earth via radio frequency.

PG&E hopes to have the system running by 2016 and is seeking permission from regulators to contract with a company called Solaren to put the system in place.
