Plant responsible for salmonella outbreak fined 14.6 million U.S. dollars

Plant responsible for salmonella outbreak fined 14.6 million U.S. dollars  Georgia peanut processing plant operated by Peanut Corp. has been fined 14.6 million U. S. dollars. The plant is being held responsible for the salmonella outbreak that has sickened 700 people and responsible for nine deaths. The plant was closed after lab tests showed likely salmonella contamination and all the products were recalled.

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) said that Plainview Peanut Co., LLC was fined over alleged violations include unsanitary conditions, product contamination, illnesses linked to consumption of peanuts from the plant and operating for almost four years without a food manufacturer's license from the state.

Plant's owner has filled a bankruptcy case.
