John McCain

McCain, Palin use Biden's 'Crisis' prediction to question Obama

McCain, Palin use Biden's 'Crisis' prediction to question ObamaHarrisburg (Pennsylvania, US), Oct. 22 : Republican running mates John McCain and Sarah Palin have once again questioned Barack Obama''s readiness to lead the country in the wake of the latter’s running mate Joe Biden saying that Obama would face a "generated crisis."

"We don''t want a president who invites testing from the world at a time when our economy is in crisis and Americans are already fighting in two wars," McCain said Tuesday in Harrisburg, Pennyslyvania.

McCain garners 68 percent of U.S. troop vote, Obama has 23 percent

McCain garners 68 percent of U.S. troop vote, Obama has 23 percentWashington, Oct. 22: A Military Times poll indicates landslide support for Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

While McCain has captured 68 percent of the military vote, his Democratic rival Barack Obama has 23 percent.

The Military Times, which publishes the Army Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times and Air Force Times, polled 80,000 subscribers from September 22 to September 29.

The non-scientific survey gathered 4,300 respondents -- all of them registered and eligible to vote.

McCain will fight till end, as Republicans face major identity crisis: Washington Post

McCain will fight till end, as Republicans face major identity crisis: Washington PostWashington, Oct. 22 : Republican presidential candidate John McCain will fight the 2008 election to the end, though his path will be difficult.

According to a Washington Post analysis, McCain still has a fortnight left to try to change the trajectory of the race. The paper also predicts that unexpected things can happen in the remaining days, though the GOP’s future is almost certain to be different to what it has been the last decade.

John Kerry criticized for McCain adult diapers joke

John Kerry criticized for McCain adult diapers jokeNew York, Oct. 22 : Massachusetts Democrat Senator and former presidential candidate John Kerry has been roundly criticized for implying that Republican presidential candidate John McCain wears adult diapers.

The one-liner came during a speech at a business summit in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Monday, when Kerry railed on the media for its election coverage.

McCain and Sarah Palin compared to Nazis

‘Family Guy’, an animated comedy by Fox compared McCain and Palin to Nazis. Brian, Stewie and Mort Goldman, the characters in the comedy are regress into the Nazi Germany. In their effort to blend, they wear uniforms of the Third Reich. One of these has a McCain/Palin button pinned to the lapel.

Ever since the show has been its telecast, Fox has received "a few" calls from disgruntled viewers and voters who objected to the portrayal of the two Republicans..

‘Family Guy’ has become infamous for the ridiculing Republican party. The show never misses an opportunity to degrade the Republicans.

Candidates hit battlegrounds; Obama plans campaign break

Barack Obama, John McCainWashington  - With only 14 days to go before the US general election, presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama crisscrossed swing states Tuesday that will be crucial to success on November 4.

Obama held a roundtable discussion in Tampa, Florida with economic advisors and state governors from across the country, part of a major tour this week by the Democratic nominee and his surrogates across the state that gave President George W Bush a wafer-thin victory in 2000.
