Jayant Patel

Oz taxpayers to foot Dr. Death’s bills while he is on bail

Melbourne, July 22 : Australian taxpayers will have to foot the bill for Indian born surgeon Jayant Patel’s living costs while he is on bail, Queensland Liberal Leader Mark McArdle has said.

McArdle said he believed a trial could be two or three years away.

“This would never had happened if the Beattie-Bligh Government had not put him on a plane business class to fly to the United States,” he said.

“I think people are going to be incensed, very upset and very angry and they can again lay the blame right at the foot of this Government for doing the wrong thing from day one,” McArdle added.

Dr Death granted bail in Australia

Melbourne, July 21:Dr Death granted bail in Australia Dr Jayant Patel of Indian origin, who acquired the sobriquet “Dr Death” for botching up several surgeries, has been granted bail by a Brisbane magistrate on manslaughter charges.

Magistrate Brian Hine this afternoon agreed to grant bail to Dr Patel, after considering a request by his legal team in Brisbane Magistrates Court. 

Mr Hine ordered Dr Patel provide a $20,000 cash surety. 

US warrant surrendering Dr. Death to Oz Police imminent

MelbourneDr. Jayant Patel

Oz authorities drop one charge against Dr. Death

Dr Jayant PatelMelbourne, July 1

Dr. Death’s extradition to Australia still in doubt

Dr Jayant Patel

Dr. Death’s extradition case hits roadblock in US

Dr. Jayant PatelMelbourne, July 12: The extradition process of controversial Indian-born surgeon Dr. Jayant Patel, who has been charged with manslaughter by a Queensland court, has hit a road block as US State Department’s Asia-Pacific bureau in Washington DC has received no word that the case has moved from Condoleezza Rice’s desk.

Time is fast running out for US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to approve the extradition of Jayant Patel, news. com. au reported.
