Gordon Brown

Brown's role as pathfinder to come under scrutiny

Brown's role as pathfinder to come under scrutinyLondon  - Just a few months ago, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was hailed as a hero by fellow-European leaders for pushing ahead with massive bail-out packages to save the banks and the economy.

Once the coordinated action had been agreed, and a threatened total collapse had been averted, Brown presented himself as the "saviour of the world" to the British parliament.

He had meant to say "saviour of the banks," an embarrassed spokesman explained.

UK bans entry of Dutch anti-Islam film producer

Gordon BrownLondon, Feb. 13 : The British Government has banned the entry of Geert Wilders, the producer of the controversial anti-Islam movie `Fitna'.

The Gordon Brown Government has taken this step to avoid hurting the religious and emotional sentiments of the British Muslim community.

Britain's first Muslim minister, Shahid Malik, and other Muslim community leaders have appreciated the government's gesture in not allowing Dutch MP Wilders to enter London.

Brown Govt. slammed over US using Brit atomic weapons factory for its nuke program

British Prime Minister Gordon BrownLondon, Feb. 9 : The Gordon Brown Government has placed itself in hot waters after the British Defence MInistry revealed that the United States military has been using an atomic weapons factory in Britain to carry out research into its own nuclear warhead programme.

The Guardian quoted US defense officials as saying that "very valuable" warhead research has taken place at the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston in Berkshire as part of an ongoing and secretive deal between the British and American Governments.

British government responds to French criticsm of VAT cut policy

Gordon BrownLondon - The British government Friday showed signs of irritation at France's criticism of Prime Minister Gordon's Brown's tax-cutting policies to boost the economy.

Remarks made on French TV by President Nicolas Sarkozy had been discussed between officials from Downing Street and the Elysee Palace in Paris Friday, a spokesman for Brown said.

He was referring to Sarkozy's comment in a TV debate Thursday evening that Britain's policy of introducing a temporary 2.5-per-cent cut in Value Added Tax (VAT) to help stimulate the economy had been a "mistake" and had "absolutely not worked."

BBC star Jeremy Clarkson calls Gordon Brown ‘a one-eyed Scottish idiot’

BBC star Jeremy Clarkson calls Gordon Brown ‘a one-eyed Scottish idiot’London, Feb 06 : BBC''s Top Gear star Jeremy Clarkson has launched a scathing attack on British PM Gordon Brown describing him as `a one-eyed Scottish idiot'.

The cruel attack on the PM, who has a glass eye, came as Clarkson launched a stage version of the hit show in Australia.

He laid into Brown after saying he had not been as honest about the world financial crisis as Australia's PM Kevin Rudd. Clarkson, 48, said he had watched Rudd on TV addressing the nation.

Brown, Ban call for international efforts to boost economy

Ban Ki-MoonDavos, Switzerland - Coordinated international efforts will be needed to lead the world out of the current economic crisis, the United Nation's Ban Ki-Moon and British premier Gordon Brown said Friday, urging countries to also maintain aid levels to the poor.

Brown said countries needed to "come together as one" and take steps like those he introduced in Britain, including capital injections and the introduction of stimulus packages.
