Barack Obama

Tehran gives reserved response to remarks by US president

Barack ObamaTehran - Tehran on Tuesday issued a reserved response to remarks by US President Barack Obama that his administration would be willing to engage in diplomacy with Iran on its controversial nuclear programme.

Government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham said Iran would rather wait for "practical changes" by the new US government and expected a change in US policies towards Iran including a moving away from "imperialistic" policies.

US President Obama on Monday said "if countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us."

Obama transition team told not to include Kashmir,India in Holbrooke’s mandate

Barack ObamaWashington, Jan. 27 : A high-level delegation from India is reported to have warned American foreign policy experts, including three officials who were part of the formal Obama transition team -- that New Delhi might preemptively make Richard Holbrooke persona non grata if his mandate officially included India or Kashmir.

The warning was conveyed at an off-the-record Aspen Strategy Group meeting held at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, D. C. in early December, people familiar with the meeting said.

Obama’s favourite records in White House Record Library

Obama’s favourite records in White House Record LibraryWashington, January 27 : Call it a perk for U. S. President Barack Obama or what you may. An official White House vinyl collection contains some of his favourite records.

The expansive White House Record Library collection includes Bob Dylan''''s Blood on the Tracks and Bruce Springsteen''''s Born to Run.

It also includes rock vinyl like Led Zeppelin IV, Rolling Stones'''' Let It Bleed.

Among punk records are included the Ramones'''' Rocket to Russia and the Sex Pistols'''' Never Mind the Bollocks, reports People magazine.

Obama spends first weekend as president touring the White House

Barack ObamaWashington, Jan 27 : President Barack Obama kept a low profile during his first weekend at the White House, preferring to tour the building and its grounds.

The only time he was working was when he had an economic meeting that was made public on January 24, reports Politico. com.

The same afternoon, Obama and his wife Michelle, along with their body man Reggie Love, took a personalized tour of the building and grounds reported an administration aide.

Obama tells Muslims ''Americans are not your enemy''

Obama tells Muslims ''Americans are not your enemy''Washington, Jan. 27: President Barack Obama has told the Muslim world that "Americans are not your enemy" and renewed his pledge to travel to make an address in the capital of a major Muslim nation.

"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy - we sometimes make mistakes - we have not been perfect," Obama said in an interview with the Al-Arabiya satellite television network.

Obama’s Kenyan aunt can stay in the US for now

Obama Goes to Church on Father's DayWashington, Jan. 27 : President Barack Obama’s Kenyan aunt, Zeituni Onyango, is being allowed to stay in the U. S. at least for now.

Immigration proceedings are underway to determine her status, reports Politico.

Onyango has been living in Boston, and has been under a deportation order for four years, but the order to remove her was lifted after a motion to reopen her case was granted last month.
