Barack Obama

Obama ‘to echo JFK’s plea for self-sacrifice’ in inaugural speech

Barack ObamaLondon, January 19 : Barack Obama is reportedly set to remind his

Thousands flock for Obama’s "We Are One" pre-inauguration concert

Barack ObamaLondon, January 19 : Thousands of Americans poured in the city of Washington to laud Barack Obama and his family at a pre-inauguration rock concert on January 18.

The President-elect along with wife Michelle, daughters Sasha and Malia, was received with cheers as they arrived at Lincoln Memorial for the star-studded "We Are One" gig.

America must show its resilience in hard times: Obama

America must show its resilience in hard times: ObamaWashington, Jan. 19: Addressing a huge crowd of proud Americans from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial here on Sunday, two days before he is to take oath as the
44th President of the United States, President-elect Barack Obama called on the people of the country to show their resilience and overcome all obstacles coming in the way of change.

St. John''s Episcopal Church gets a facelift before Obama''s visit

Washington, Jan. 18 : The St. John''s Episcopal Church has recently undergone an extensive renovation in anticipation of Barack Obama making a visit to it after being inaugurated as the United States 44th President.

According to the Washington Post, the 193-year-old church now has gleaming plank floors and shimmering stained-glass windows to repositioned pews that better accommodate longer-limbed modern Americans.

Since James Madison, every American president has worshiped at the church, located across Lafayette Square from the White House, at some point in his or her administrations. Some made it over only once, while others became regulars.

Obama may land in Indonesia first to reach out to Muslims

Obama may land in Indonesia first to reach out to MuslimsWashington, Jan. 18 : After he assumes office as the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama is planning to reach out to the Islamic world to reassure Muslims.

According to The Times, he intends to give a speech in an Islamic capital during his first 100 days in office as a sign of his engagement.

He has not said where. It could be Egypt, Pakistan, or even Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, where he spent part of his childhood.

No instant messaging in Obama’s White House

No instant messaging in Obama’s White HouseWashington, Jan. 18 : Lawyers have told aides to incoming US President Barack Obama that they may have to leave most of their modern appliances like their laptops and mobile phones and their favourite form of communication – instant messaging – behind when they enter the White House on and after January 20, 2009.

From Axelrod, the chief campaign strategist, down to junior staffers in the press office, Obama''s campaign relied heavily on software many of them began using in high school—AOL Instant Message and Google Chat.
