Adolf Hitler

German memorial to man who tried to kill Hitler in 1939

Waxworks Hitler back on display in Berlin Berlin- A memorial went up Wednesday in Berlin to a German, Georg Elser, who tried single-handedly to halt the Second World War in November 1939 by blowing up Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and his top aides.

Hitler and his friends unexpectedly left the Buergerbraeukeller beer-hall in Munich just before the explosion, which killed eight people. Elser was arrested, tortured and murdered at Dachau by the Nazis six years later.

Hitler couldn’t resist sex trysts with Hedy Lamarr despite her Jewish roots

Washington, Aug 22 : Nazi leader Adolf Hitler overlooked the fact his one-time lover Hedy Lamarr was born Jewish, because her beauty made it difficult for him to pass up a sex tryst with her.

The famous silver screen actress, born Hedwig Kiesler, fled Austria to embark on an acting career in Hollywood after she was forced to make love to Hitler by her first husband, Austrian munitions dealer Fritz Mandl.

Lamarr took the shame of the three-way sex tryst to the grave with her, according to biographer Devra Hill.

And she died in 2000 still disbelieving she had briefly romanced the man behind the Holocaust.

Hitler’s architect mocked him through his clandestine cartoons

Hitler’s architect mocked him through his clandestine cartoons

Berlin tourist attraction to fix Hitler after beheading

HitlerBerlin - Two days after a man wrenched the wax head off an effigy of Adolf Hitler, operators of a Berlin tourist attraction said Monday they would repair the waxwork and put it back on display.

A 41-year-old rest-home orderly wrenched the head off the figure on Saturday after he had been egged on by drinking mates in a bar.

Madame Tussaud's, a British company, defended its decision to persist with the display against widespread criticism from Germans, saying, "Hitler represents a decisive part of Berlin's history which we can't just pretend did not happen."

Visitor pulls Hitler head off at new Berlin waxworks show

Adolf HitlorBerlin - A man tore off the wax head of an effigy of Adolf Hitler in Berlin on

Waxwork Hitler ready for viewing in Berlin show

Adolf HitlerBerlin - Facing down political and media criticism, Madame Tussaud's has defended its inclusion of an Adolf Hitler statue in a waxworks show set to open in Berlin on Saturday.

German politicians have voiced outrage at the return of the evil fuehrer to Berlin, though his image does appear regularly in German television history programmes and school textbooks about Nazi war crimes.

Opening its third waxworks museum in Europe, the British-based company, part of Merlin Entertainments, said it was not glorifying Hitler but showing him as a "broken man" on the eve of his Second World War defeat and suicide.
