Obesity crisis in Britain costing tax-payers

Obesity crisis in Britain costing tax-payersSedentary lifestyle and unhealthy food habits have led to a spur in obesity cases. Nearly one is four adults is obese. It seems that an obesity crisis is not only crippling health care system it is also putting financial stress on the system. It has been found that last August, 2,130 Britons were receiving Incapacity Benefit after being diagnosed obese.

James Clappison, Tory benefits spokesman said that taxpayers were paying the price for Labour's failure to address the "ticking obesity timebomb".

He said: "They've missed the opportunities they've had to make a real difference, and now hard-working taxpayers are paying the consequences."

Spokesperson, the Department for Work and Pensions said: “Being obese does not mean that someone is considered incapable of work.”
