Nuclear testing after effects cause teeth to become radioactive

Nuclear testing after effects cause teeth to become radioactive According to a group of scientists nuclear bomb testing that occurred in the 1950s has turned the teeth of all humans on the planet in to radioactive pieces.

This supposed truth was unveiled when the team of researchers was trying to determine the age of deceased individuals. Our teeth were like radioactive clocks.

This was further strengthened by the fact that our tooth enamel is only made once, bearing signs of the atmosphere in which they were created whereas other parts constantly undergo wearing and tearing. Thus, the enamel may contain significant amounts of radioactive carbon leading to such a conclusion.

The radioactive carbon constitutes of two extra neutrons called carbon 14 and the nuclear testing that commenced in 1955 emitted high-energy neutrons in atmosphere. The neutrons collided with nitrogen and created much more carbon 14 than normal.

This validates that radioactive carbon might have been present in individuals born during or after the 1950s.