Who will accept Heath Ledger’s Golden Globe should he win?
New York, Dec 15 : With Aussie actor Heath Ledger having been posthumously nominated for a Golden Globe, the question now arises who will accept the award should he win it.
The decision has not been made as yet, but Ledger's father would like to be the one who accepts it.
"Kim desperately wants to do it," the New York Daily News quoted a source as saying.
"But the studio and the producers would rather have Michelle receive it on behalf of Matilda," the source added.
Michelle Williams, who had broken up with Ledger four months before he passed away in January, has a daughter, Matilda, from him.
But a friend of the family has stated that Williams would be the wrong person to accept the award, as she no longer has any ties with Ledger.
"Why would Michelle be involved? She had nothing to do with the movie. They weren''t even together when he passed away. Would you have your ex-wife accept your award? And they weren''t even married," the friend said.
"Director Chris Nolan or [star] Christian Bale would make more sense. Michelle makes no sense. It''s like those rumours that she would go to the premiere of `Dark Knight.' That was never in the realm of possibility," the friend added.
Kim, on the other hand, has already accepted an "Aussie" award for his son last weekend. (ANI)