Women In Contract Jobs Are More Prone To Sexual Harassment
A recent study has put forward a fact that women, who work on part time or casual and contract jobs are almost 10 times more likely to face sexual harassment than those who work on permanent positions.
During the process of their research, Anthony LaMontagne, of VicHealth Centre for the Promotion of Mental Health and Community Wellbeing tried to examine the possibility of sexual harassment in different types of jobs.
“Our study shows that 79 percent of those who experience unwanted sexual advances at work are women. The research also shows that people in contract positions are about 10 times more likely to be sexually harassed at work.” LaMontegue reported.
He also added, “People who are employed in casual jobs are about five times more likely to be subjected to unwanted sexual advances. The study is important new evidence because precarious employment has been associated with a variety of adverse working conditions as well as with poorer mental and physical health.”
The researcher feels that there is a very strong link between sexual harassment and mental health problems. These findings would be presented at the Vth World Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental and Behavioral Disorders.