Youths prefer internet PCs to CD players

Leipzig, Germany  - Youths prefer internet PCs to CD playersInternet PCs are increasingly making CD players and even television obsolete for young people, a study by the University of Leipzig has found.

According to the report, four out of five young persons in Germany or 78 per cent frequently listen to music on their computer, while only 36 per cent turn on a CD player. And if music videos are on tap, two-thirds do not reach for the TV remote, but rather switch on the computer.

The youths noted that it is important for them to be able to compose their favourite songs and clip individually into playlists.

Some 5,000 youths between 12 and 19 years were surveyed as part of the third wave of the long-term study on "Media Convergence Monitoring," by the university's Media Pedagogy and Continuing Education department. (dpa)
