Study links playing violent video games to aggressive behavior

Playing violent video games is linked to aggressive behavior, says a new research. Researchers analyzed data of multiple previous studies on the link between violent video games and aggression while conducting the study, finding that violent video game use has an effect on aggression.

The American Psychological Association (APA) has compiled the new report after reviewing more than 300 previous violent video game studies published between the years 2005 and 2013.

Tests were conducted on players over several timeframes and in a gamut of ways. The report concludes that there exists a link between violent game use and aggressive behavior, aggressive affect, and aggressive cognitions.

Other implications of the study are playing violent aggressive games causes decline in empathy, pro-social behavior, and sensitivity to aggression.

However, supporters of video games have criticized the study. The manager of the gaming arcade in Acton, North West London, Mark Starkey, said that there is no doubt that video games have become more aggressive, but violent films are more dangerous than them.

There is no evidence to confirm a link between criminal violence and playing violent video games. “We know that there are numerous risk factors for aggressive behaviour. What researchers need to do now is conduct studies that look at the effects of video game play in people at risk for aggression or violence due to a combination of risk factors”, said Dr Mark Appelbaum, who chaired the APA task force.

A more parental control over violent scenes in video games may help fix the issue.