Not seeking Medical Help for Hearing Loss could lead to Dementia
With age, many people suffer hearing loss. Many a times, hearing loss can be treated easily but in some cases like Tinnitus, there isn't an effective treatment. Generally, people suffering from hearing loss prefer not seek medical treatment and live with the condition only, say researchers. Study researchers have affirmed that this can cause depression and even dementia among these people.
"Many hard-of-hearing people battle silently with their invisible hearing difficulties, straining to stay connected to the world around them, reluctant to seek help", said David Myers, psychology professor from Hope College.
Myers said that there are different types of hearing aids available that prove to be effective as well. They hearing aids amplify sounds, so they become clearer to the one using them. But there are many patients who refuse to use these devices.
In the study, the researchers have looked at 2,304 people suffering from hearing loss. The study researchers observed them and noticed that those who refused to use hearing aids had 50% more chance of developing depression.
These people were also found to be more reluctant in taking part in social activities in comparison to those who use hearing aids. Social isolation increases the chances of developing dementia.
As per the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), not even 30% of hearing loss patients falling in the age group of 70 and above has tried hearing device. In the case of youngsters, only 16% of hearing loss patients between the age of 20 and 69 have tried using a hearing aid.