Agricultural use of drones to take off Soon
For so many years, agricultural use of drones could not take place due to the lack of federal guidelines. Things are changing now, as since January, more than 50 exemptions have been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration for the farm-related operations.
As per the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, agriculture could be held liable for commercial drone use. The drones are quite inexpensive and could take place of humans in a number of ways in large farms.
They can transmit detailed information about crops and sprayers; they can be directed to problem spots and levying a cap on water and chemicals a farmer needs to use in those areas.
Bret Chilcott of Kansas-based AgEagle, who sells aerial vehicles and software, said that he received the first order last year. And now, this year it is having backlog of several hundred orders. It would not be wrong to say that the technology has changed the market significantly.
"Last year users had to land their aircraft and then take the data to the computer. Now the data appears on your iPad or hand-held device a few minutes after flight", said Bret. The data provided by drone could be in the form of pictures, 3-D images of plants, thermal reading of crops or animals or other observations.
With the help of technology, farmers will be able to know just those areas where they have to spray chemicals. The FAA is working on rules that no doubt will be used regularly for business purposes, but while maintaining certain safety and privacy standards.