Hillary Rodham Clinton slams Republican presidential rivals

On Friday, Hillary Rodham Clinton criticized Republican presidential rivals over protest of Supreme Court’s decision making gay marriage legal and for opposing stricter gun laws after the shooting in Charleston.

She talked about the legalization calling it “an emotional roller-coaster of a day”. She praised the 5-4 decision legalizing gay marriage and renewed her demand for “common sense” gun control. However, she strongly opposed the Republican contenders, who according to her, appeared to be determined to take people back into the past.

Mrs. Clinton said, “Instead of trying to turn back the clock, they should be joining us in saying loudly and clearly saying no — no to discrimination. I am asking them, please, don’t make the rights, the hopes of any American into a political football for this 2016 campaign”.

Many Republican presidential are hopeful after the court’s decision on Friday morning. These Republican presidential also include Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. They demanded a constitutional amendment permitting states to define marriage as they want to.

On Tuesday, Mrs. Clinton also talked about a vote by the Republican-led House Appropriations Committee against an amendment that would have controlled increased funding to the Centers of Disease Control for studying gun violence. Since the shootings last week, Mrs. Clinton has frequently argued for ‘common sense’ gun control measures. She said that how one can watch massacre after massacre and take that vote?