Another reason to switch to Green Tea, have a brilliant memory
In the recent times the benefits of Green Tea have made many a people switch from their regular tea to this healthy alternative. One of the most recent studies on the subject, distributed in the diary Psychopharmacology, confirms the advantages of Green Tea stating that it enhances working memory and cognitive execution.
Several researches have affirmed that Green Tea, which is high on anti-oxidants, may help in keeping perfect body weight and battling terrible cholesterol, notwithstanding enhancing memory and counteracting cognitive decay.
A study by Chinese scientist Bai Yun distributed in Food Science and Molecular Nutrition and Food Research in June 2012 has confirmed the recent benefits of the healthy beverage.
In order to confirm these study results that Green Tea's enhances memory and the reason behind it, analysts in Basel, Switzerland wanted a gathering of volunteers to drink some soft beverage containing Green Tea extracts just before working on memory assignments.
The action which took place inside the brains of these volunteers was investigated with the help of a MRI machine. The analysts, headed by Christoph Beglinger and Stefan Borgwardt, of the University Hospital of Basel and the Psychiatric University Clinics individually, watched enhanced connectivity between the frontal and parietal mind locales in the volunteers who were given the Green Tea beverage.