Management colleges can double student intake

Management colleges can double student intakeNew Delhi, Jan 7 : All new management colleges can double their student intake while all engineering colleges can increase their intake by 25 percent, the Human Resource Development (HRD) ministry announced Thursday.

HRD Minister Kapil Sibal said: "All new management institutions can now take 120 students rather than the previous allotment of just 60 students.

"We have also given permission to all new engineering colleges to take students up to 300 from the previous stipulated 240."

All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) chairman S. S. Mantha said that this was great step forward and would benefit thousands of students in the country.

"The student intake in engineering and management institutions will increase substantially. It's the student community who will ultimately benefit from this decision," Mantha told IANS.

The ministry also gave permission to technical education institutions to offer modular courses with provision of credit transfer in extended teaching hours.

"They can also start second shift (evening shift) so as to maximise the utilisation of their infrastructure," Sibal added. (IANS)