Robots designed using human anatomy may soon move like we do

Robots designed using human anatomy may soon move like we doLondon, August 25 : A group of researchers from five European countries are designing a robot using human anatomy as a blueprint.

The Eccerobot project has been designed to duplicate the way human bones, muscles and tendons work and are linked together.

The plastic bones copy biological shapes and are moved by kite-line that is tough like tendons, while elastic cords mimic the bounce of muscle.

The researchers concede the fact that mimicking human anatomy is no shortcut to success, as even simple human actions like raising an arm involve a complex series of movements from many of the robot''s bones, muscles and tendons.

They, however, are convinced that solving such problems will take them a step closer to realising a machine that interacts with its environment in a more human manner.

"We want to develop these ideas into a new kind of ''anthropomimetic robot'' which can deal with and respond to the world in ways closer to the ways that humans do," New Scientist quoted Owen Holland, at the University of Sussex, UK, who is leading the project, as saying.

The researchers also want to endow the robot with some human-like artificial intelligence.

Holland''s Sussex group are joined on the project by researchers from the Technical University of Munich, Germany; University of Zurich, Switzerland; University of Belgrade, Serbia; and French firm The Robot Studio. (ANI)