German bomber surrenders to police after 24-hour stand-off

German bomber surrenders to police after 24-hour stand-offViernheim, Germany  - A man who set off a series of explosions in the German town of Viernhein surrendered to police on Thursday after a 24-hour stand-off.

The 44-year-old left his apartment with his arms raised and was led away by special police forces who proceeded to search his home for further explosive devices.

The man had barricaded himself into his Viernhein apartment, 70 kilometres south of Frankfurt, on Wednesday, after setting off several bombs in a nearby family home.

One blast slightly injured a 32-year-old man living in the house with his wife and children, who all suffered from shock.

Police surrounded the bomber's apartment and evacuated around 100 residents after the man had threatened further bomb attacks.

Earlier in the day, an explosion in the nearby town of Weinheim was also attributed to the man. The targeted house was unoccupied.

His motive for the attack was unclear. The perpetrator, who works as a handyman, is thought to have debts and unpaid bills. His landlord had reportedly also issued an eviction order against him, according to German daily Bild.

The newspaper also reported that the family he attacked had not paid him for a radiator he had installed. The owner of the house attacked in Weinheim reportedly also owed him 2000 euros (2830 dollars) for works he had carried out. (dpa)