Kidney transplant op transforms plumber into gifted artist!

Kidney transplant op transforms plumber into gifted artist!London, Aug 19 : In a miraculous change of fortune, a plumber has transformed into a gifted painter ever since he had a kidney transplant.

The plumber believes the donor of his new kidney was a painter.

The 44-year-old Gary Leighton had a hereditary kidney disease following which he had a kidney transplant at Guy''s and St Thomas'' hospital in London Last year.

Gary had never painted before and did not think he had any artistic creativity or talent.

But after his life saving kidney transplant surgery Gary suddenly felt like painting and now sells a single paining for about 1000 pounds.

The Sun quoted Gary as saying: "Before the transplant I had no interest in art. I could barely draw at school.

"We had been to see some friends and as we were leaving I spotted a book about Salvador Dali by their front door.

"I picked it up and began flicking through it and the friend said that I could have it.

"I read it at home and thought ''I have got to go and get some canvasses and paints''.

"Now I am painting with glass, with ink and acrylic, on wood with a blowtorch and copper, and using wind and leaves to create organic art."

Studies have revealed that one out of every three transplant patients believe they possess aspects of the donor''s character.

"It would be incredible to find out a famous artist had passed that gift to me. People inherit personality traits. It is a fact," Gary added. (ANI)