Brit girl gang raped to be "s****** and tagged" on Facebook

Brit girl gang raped to be "s****** and tagged" on FacebookLondon, Aug 12 : A Brit teenage girl is said to have allegedly been gang raped so that she could be "s****** and tagged" on Facebook.

Jurors were told that three rapists took snaps of the 18-year-old on a mobile and told her: "You are going to be s****** and tagged on Facebook".

The three accused are alleged to have invited the girl back to one of their flats to play on a Wii after they met in a pub in Colchester, Essex, but when they got there, things turned nasty.

The three friends allegedly took turns raping the girl, egging each other on as two raped her and another sexually assaulted her with a bottle of beer.

The jury at Chelmsford Crown Court was told the mother of one of the accused is also said to have been at the flat at the time of the incident.

The girl was "effectively ejected" from the flat in a distressed state at about 5am and she rang police straight away.

When cops arrested the suspects later that day they were asleep together on the same double bed where the attack is said to have happened.

The defendants all deny the charges and claim the girl consented to the sexual activity.

Prosecutor Richard Potts in his opening address to the jury said the girl was drunk, her blood alcohol level was probably about 187mg and the driving limit is 80.

The girl told police she felt she was passing in and out of consciousness at the flat and was raped repeatedly.

Potts added that six photos were recovered from Guy''s mobile phone showing the naked girl and various sexual acts, including the bottle incident, which all three deny happened.

He also added that when cops arrived at the flat at 1pm there was a Facebook entry on the computer in the bedroom, which stated: "James: there''s been a rape about seven hours ago".

The prosecution also claim that Stephens sent a text to a friend after the sexual activity and before she left, which said: "You won''t believe what''s happened".

"It''s the Crown''s case that while she was at this flat all three defendants acted together although at different times they did different acts as individuals. All three encouraged one another," the Sun quoted him as telling the jury.

"None dissented, none left and when police found them not much later all three were asleep together in the same double bed on which the Crown allege these offences were committed," he stated.

James Minors, nicknamed Mad Dog, a 25-year-old building surveyor, is charged with two counts of rape on January 18 2009.

Jobless Lee Stephens and Daniel Guy are charged with aiding and abetting him on each offence.

Stephens, 24, is charged with two counts of rape and sexual assault with a bottle, and Minors and Guy are charged with aiding and abetting him on each offence.

Stephens, Minors and Guy, a 26-year-old drayman, are jointly charged with sexual assault.

The trial, which is expected to last three weeks, continues. (ANI)