Surgical team call off a heart transplant as donor baby survived without respirator

Surgical team call off a heart transplant as donor baby survived without respirator   A heart transplant was cancelled as the donor baby was able to breathe without the ventilator. Two-month-old Kaylee Wallace suffers from Joubert Syndrome, a rare genetic brain condition. In this condition, a baby is unable to breathe without a machine when she sleeps. She also has severe problems related to kidney. She was being kept alive with help of a respirator. Her parents decided to donate her heart to another baby.

Kaylee was removed from respirator at 6:30 p. m. last night. It was expected that she won't survive much longer. But Kaylee amazed everyone by breathing without the respirator. Hence the operating team decided to call off the transplant. Both the donor and the recipient are in stable condition.

Dr. Jim Wright said: "We assess the situation on a moment-by-moment, day-by-day basis, but given that she's breathed on her own overnight, it doesn't appear as if she'll be a candidate for transplantation."

Wright said children with Kaylee's condition are sometimes able to breathe on their own, but doctors aren't able to predict that before the child is taken off life support.