Baroness Warsi becomes most powerful women of Britain

Baroness Warsi becomes most powerful women of BritainLondon, Mar 25 : The Equalities and Human Rights Comission has named Baroness Sayeeda Warsi as the most powerful British Muslim woman of the country.

The launch of the EHRC Power List is part of a wider project to raise the profile of Muslim women working in the UK.

Paying tribute to the achievements of the successful women, Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, said: "I would like to congratulate Sayeeda Warsi and the other women who have been shortlisted for our inaugural Muslim Women Power List."

Picking up the award on Tuesday, The Times quoted Baroness as saying: "I personally come from a family of all girls and was brought up to believe that anything was possible and being a Muslim woman should in no way be seen as a barrier but as an asset to achievement."

"Of course I've encountered prejudice as a woman and as a Muslim woman. One of the most specific forms of prejudice is journalists who ask, "Are you a Muslim first or British first?", as if to say the two can't be reconciled. I think Islam is a hugely liberating religion for women."

"When Islam is interpreted properly, it is a religion that supports and reveres women. Unfortunately, I don't necessarily think that's always the way that some sectors of the Muslim community interpret it," she added.

Other prominent Muslim women at the top of the Power List included Farmida Bi, a banking partner for Norton Rose LLP; Professor Farida Fortune CBE, Dean of dentistry and oral health at Queen Mary's School of Medicine; Wasfi Kani, chief executive of Grange Park Opera and Mishal Hussain, a leading journalist and news presenter.

The list was revealed at the Lowry Hotel in Manchester and was judged by Phillips along with Baroness Hogg, chairman of 3i; Sara Friend, legal director of the British Olympic Association; Sarah Joseph, editor of Emel magazine; Michael Binyon, leader writer for The Times and Abi Amosu, head of corporate diversity at J. P. Morgan.

Muslim women are ambitious and want to play a full part in the economic future of Britain, according to a poll published to coincide with the Power List. (ANI)
