Pak cop on trial for not thrashing Long March participants

Pak cop on trial for not thrashing Long March participantsIslamabad, Mar. 18 : A Pakistani assistant sub inspector is on trial for declining to follow his seniors' order to thrash Long March participants in Islamabad.

Ironically, the Pakistan Government has accepted the protesters' demand to restore the sacked judiciary, but ASI Raja Arshad is still paying the price for his defiance.

Nawaz Sharif had forbidden policemen to obey the illegal orders of the government during the Long March.

Arshad told The Nation that he disobeyed an illegal order, and his family members thought that his trial had no significance.

They appealed to the President and the PM to take action against those police officers, who had made a junior officer a scapegoat.

Arshad's colleague Mushtaq Ahmad said the action against his friend was highly condemnable, and there were many other police officers in Lahore and Sargodha, who refused to obey illegal orders of their seniors but why only Arshad was being victimized. (ANI)
