Kepler is bibliophile’s delight

IIA has in its possession the mathematician’s 400-year-old book, which might be his only orginal work available in India

The Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), Bangalore had written to libraries across the country to find out whether they are in possession of original works of Johannes Kepler, the legendary German mathematician and astrologer.

The IIA has in its possession one of Kepler’s rare books. It is 400 years’ old and is written by the mathematician himself. It was published in 1609 and could be his only original work found in India.

“It is said that there are six editions for this book and in India probably it is the only one available. But we want to confirm it with the major libraries. We have e-mailed all the important libraries but we are yet to receive replies so far,” said Chirstina Birdie, Library department head, IIA. IIA has already written to the National Library, National Archives in Kolkata and the Asiatic Society, Mumbai.

The book was found in the Madras Observatory in 1893 and was transferred to Kodaikanal Observatory in 1899. It was brought to IIA in 1975 when the observatory’s headquarters shifted to Bangalore from Kodaikanal. “The content of the book is known and reproduced by many scientists. The aim is to trace the historical importance,” explained Birdie.

The assumed cost of the book is around $300 million. “It was £30,000 pounds when it was found in Madras Observatory,” said A Vagishwari, consultant librarian in IIA. The IIA library is bringing out a detailed report about the book to observe the 400 years of the book and to celebrate International Year of Astronomy.

One of the other libraries which possess this rare book is the Strahov Monestery in Prague. The book records the 10-year-long investigation on the movement of planet Mars, which eventually led to revolutionary theory of planetary motions around the Sun in elliptical orbits.

Bhargavi Kerur/ DNA-Daily News & Analysis Source: 3D Syndication
