Nobel laureate Pachauri urges Govt. to preserve Sunderbans

Nobel laureate Pachauri urges Govt. to preserve SunderbansNobel laureate Rajendra K Pachauri has urged the government to use new measures and innovate to protect the fragile ecosystem of the Sunderbans.

Speaking at the 100th Indian Science Congress on Sunday, Sunderbans should be handled with care. The mangrove delta's water level should be carefully monitored and its river banks should be protected from floods.

Suggesting ways to protect Sunderbans, he said, "It is important to look at new measures and innovate to conserve the Sunderbans. Perhaps, we can consider using dykes to prevent flooding and protect the banks, like they do in the Netherlands."

Mr. Pachauri, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 as the chairman of the Inter-GovT. Committee on Climate Change, added that it was equally significant to make certain that the biodiversity of the mangrove delta is preserved.

Mr. Pachauri also urged the government to promptly set an agenda to curtail the adverse impacts of global warming or climate change in India.

The 72-year-old environmental scientist added that India needed to develop a sustainable cycle and explore biomass to meet increasing energy needs. According to Mr. Pachauri's estimates, India needed to enhance efficiency and spend nearly Rs 25,000 crore to Rs 30,000 crore on developing alternative sources of energy and on preventing the impact of climate change.