Mumbai attackers linked to Pakistan: Boucher

Richard BoucherIslamabad/ New Delhi, Jan. 7 : United States Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, Richard Boucher, on Wednesday said those involved in the Mumbai terror attacks have links in Pakistan.

The latest statement from the US has supported India''s view, which describes the involvement of Pakistan-based terror outfits in Mumbai terror attacks.

Boucher, who engaged the Pakistani leadership on this issue at length, reiterated that whoever was involved in this, needs to be held responsible.

Boucher, however, refrained from saying anything about the evidence given by India to Pakistan on Mumbai attacks, at this stage while the investigations were still on.

Boucher was responding to a question related to Pakistan''s role in the investigation related to Mumbai attacks in which several US nationals were killed.

"I think there''s a determination here to follow up, find those who are responsible, make sure that we know all we can about how they did it, and even better than that, making sure that they can''t ever do it again," he said.

Boucher referred to his meetings with the Pakistani leadership.

"We talked about how to ensure that, particularly how to ensure the flow of information back and forth so that the pieces of the puzzle that are on the Indian side can be known to the rest of us that are interested, and the pieces of the puzzle that are on the Pakistani side can be known to the Indians who want to get to the bottom of this," he said.

Boucher informed that the US has tried to encourage sharing of information so that everybody who is determined to stop this kind of attack can conduct their investigations and pursue all possible leads. (ANI)
