Mozambique: Police deny "licence to kill" approach

Mozambique & USMaputo - The Mozambican police on Wednesday denied recent accusations by Amnesty International of having a "mandate to kill" in regard to policing the country.

Police spokesman First Deputy Police Commissioner Carlos Rungo told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that accusations of police killing and torturing citizens with near total impunity was completely untrue.

Speaking after the closing ceremony of a course aimed at teaching law enforcement agents the basic on human rights, Rungo however did say there was police forces did lack basic equipment and training.

"What is happening is that the police are poorly equipped, both in material terms and information on human rights of the people. Our agents have poor knowledge of the rights of people, and they simple use materials available to them to deal with day-to-day issues," he said.

The latest report from human rights group Amnesty International slammed policing in Mozambique saying "police in Mozambique seem to think they have a licence to kill and the weak police accountability system allows for this."

"In almost all cases of human rights violations by police - including unlawful killings - no investigation into the case and no disciplinary action against those responsible has been undertaken, nor has any police officer been prosecuted," the report continued.

Rungo rebuffed the report saying that all violations were investigated and that irregularities among the police forces were prosecuted and the guilty sentenced. (dpa)