More than 3% of households feel the pinch of inflation

More than 3% of households feel the pinch of inflationPrices have been rising everywhere and that has had a great impact on the economic condition. Latest data shows that rising inflationary rates has hit badly 1/3 rd of the households and close to 90 per cent of the population believes that the price rise is going to happen this year as well.

The survey was done by Markit and it clearly showed that 34 per cent of 1,500 people who were regarded in the survey showed that inflation had made them worse off. While 83 per cent told that their cost of living has gone up, it was only 2 per cent that found the costs to be decreasing.

There are some other interesting and surprising facts that came out from the survey that had been going on for the last 2 years. Expectations from the inflation are highest till now and 89 per cent of the population believes that the prices are going to go up.

Considering this figures, it is nothing short than worrying not only because the economy is suffering but also because the retail and related industries are going to face the direct brunt.