Modi becomes a poet in blogosphere

Narendra ModiGujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi who started blogging in the run up to the general elections this year has now started writing poems for his net fans.

Modi’s first poem on cyber space ‘how and when did you become a poet’ (posted today on his official blog – www. narendramodi. com) interestingly is devoted to describe how a poem and a poet are born and the emotions involved.

According to sources (close to him), the poem was written in response to a query he received from one of his net-fans who wanted to know how he became a poet.

Modi, who was into writing from long, has several books to his credit like Jyothi Punj, Prem Thirth and a translation of letters of M S Golwalkar (RSS ideologue).His collection of poems — Aankh aa dhanya che was released about three years back by the then Vice Preisdent of India Bhairon Singh Shekhawat.

“The poem is a fresh one that he wrote for his net fans in response to a query, received on namoleague. com - a fans website, asking how he became a poet,” Hiren Joshi, Officer on Special Duty (IT) to the Chief Minister told HT.

Modi in the poem goes on describing that poetic activity is a spontaneous one, whose words “embody compassion and spreads the fragrance of sensitivity”.