Kristin Davis, star of Sex and the City shares diet & fitness tips in an exclusive interview in Shape magazine UK’s June Edition

TopNews had a look at the latest edition of Shape magazine’s UK edition. The June edition features exclusive interview with Kristin Davis, star of Sex and the City. Other features include Beauty tips to make your Fresh and firm in just 3 minutes. Also read features on “Fashion for Summer” and Photography.

Kristin Davis talks openly about her alcohol problem: ‘Alcohol freed me,’ she’s often said. ‘I was really shy and I didn’t know how to come out of my shell. [I drank] for the same reason I loved acting – I wanted to feel things and express myself and be free. And I’m not naturally that way.’ She now classes herself as an alcoholic and as a result has abstained for years.

About herself, she says, “I’m a curvy girl. I’m never going to be the thinnest person in Hollywood, but the truth is, I don’t want to be.”
Kristin Davis even talks about her diet regime in the June Edition of Shape:

‘I went through phases when I said I can’t have this or I can’t have that,’ she admits, ‘but now I don’t deprive myself.’ Her advice? Eat what you want, but in moderation. ‘I never let myself get too hungry. I make sure I eat every three hours or so, mostly protein, good carbs, veggies and salads.’

Kristin does Pilates just a few times a week at the Mari Winsor Studio in LA. ‘My teacher changes my routine all the time to keep me interested.’ She does yoga, too.

When she first moved to LA 15 years ago, she studied yoga and even taught at her own studio. Her approach to fitness now is very much of the keep-healthy-and-toned kind, without going completely nuts on a strict regime. ‘My motto is not to do the same thing over and over,’ she says. ‘I got burnt out at the gym: I was completely bored by the repetition.’ Now she mixes her Pilates and yoga with hiking in the Hollywood hills with her two dogs.

On cosmetic surgery:



She hasn’t had any herself, but acknowledges the pressure ‘on all of us all the time’. ‘I wouldn’t criticise anyone for doing it,’ she says. ‘Personally, though, I find it scary because you don’t look like yourself. If I could do it and still look just like me, I would. But you can’t go back. If you want to look better, lose five pounds and cut your hair.’

Kristin Davis, star of Sex and the City in Shape Magazine UK
























The full interview is in the June issue of the UK edition of Shape
magazine’s June Edition. The magazine is on sale at local stands from
7th May 2008.

