Kolkata Port Trust rebuts charges of law & order failure

Kolkata Port Trust rebuts charges of law & order failureKolkata Port Trust (KoPT) has rebutted Haldia Bulk Terminals Pvt. Ltd's charges that the port trust has failed to ensure minimum law & order at the port and its surroundings.

Cargo-handler Haldia Bulk Terminals (HBT) had accused the KoPT of failing to maintain minimum law & order after an unruly mob allegedly attack on some HBT officials on September 28.

But, the KoPT rebutted the charges and claimed that it had not noticed any major law & order issues at the Haldia dock complex.

Denying the charges, KoPT Chairman Manish Jain said, "Barring some stray incidents, the authorities have not seen any major law and order problem at the Haldia dock complex."

Speaking about the attack on HBT officials, Mr. Jain said that HBT had fired 275 employees on 24th of September without any prior notice, which could have triggered resentment among the locals who attacked the officials.

HBT, which operates two mechanized berths (8 and 2) at the Kolkata port, halted work since last Monday night following the labor unrest.

Mr. Jain added that had created a draft solution, which they would discuss during a meeting of stakeholders, including importers and exporters, on 3rd of October to resolve the crisis.