India in talks with Iran on release of fishermen

India in talks with Iran on release of fishermenNew Delhi - Indian officials on Saturday continued talks with their Iranian counterparts to secure the release of 17 fishermen arrested on Saudi fishing vessels that had strayed into Iranian waters, diplomatic officials said.

Four Saudi fishing vessels, manned by a crew of 17 Indian nationals, were captured for illegally fishing in Iran's territorial waters near that country's nuclear power plant at Bushehr on Thursday, IANS news agency reported.

The seizure took place about 50 kilometres south of the nearly- completed nuclear power station.

India's Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon said Friday that India was in touch with the Iranian government to secure the release of the fishermen but that it was a complicated process.

He said the negotiations involved the Saudi fishing company which was supposed to have paid a certain fine but had not yet done so.

"We are in touch with the Iranian government and we are trying very hard to get (the fishermen) released as soon as possible," he said at a press briefing.

Iran keenly tracks the movement of foreign vessels in its waters. In March 2007, Iran created an international stir when it seized 15 British sailors and marines. Three months later, Iran captured three United Arab Emirates fishing boats. (dpa)
