Increasing Dietary Charges for Patients in Government Hospitals

Increasing Dietary Charges for Patients in Government HospitalsKiran Kumar Reddy was appointed as the Chief Minister on 25 November 2010 and he took the charge of the state’s affairs from 1 December 2010. The first thing that he did was he presented a file for increasing dietary charges for the patients that are admitted in the government hospitals across the state.

From the file, it was reported that the charges for the general patients would be doubled that is from Rs. 20 per day it would be Rs. 40 per day whereas it would be Rs. 56 per day for the TB, mentally challenged and therapeutic patients.

The file was dispatched from the chief minister’ office and it reached the health department on December 6, 2010. After going through the contents, the file was sent to finance department on 27 December. From the finance department, it went to health department on 2 March for implementation and on 6 June, the file got the green chit and government ordered to that effect was issued on 7 June.

"There were complaints from contractors with regard to the new proposal. As a result, the GO pertaining to hike in the dietary charges has been kept on hold. The GO was meant to provide relief to about 34,000 in-patients in the various government hospitals across the state," says G Sudhir, New Health Special Chief Secretary.