Hindus urge all religions to take a stand against racism

Hindu and Indo-American leader, Rajan ZedWashington, Aug 19 : Acclaimed Hindu and Indo-American leader, Rajan Zed, has said that racism had engulfed many countries in the world and that all religions should work to eradicate it.

In a statement in Nevada (USA), Zed, who is the president of Universal Society of Hinduism, said that as religion was the most powerful and far-reaching force in our society and all preached against racism, so religions and their leadership could be most effective in removing racism from the face of the earth.

He urged all religions and denominations and their leaders to make a concerted effort to eradicate racism and ask the faithful to be more inclusive.

He applauded His Holiness Pope Benedictus XVI Joseph A. Ratzinger for coming out strongly against racism and giving a call to his followers to combat intolerance and exclusion and have respect for fellow human beings.

Zed further said that they are worried about recent reports of blatant displays of racism in various parts of the world. 

"Many countries have anti-discrimination laws in the books which need proper implementation. Although few among us may be actually blamable for racism, but as a society, all of us are morally accountable," he added. (ANI)
