High Court Postpones the Hearing of Tata’s Request against the Singur Land Act
On Thursday, the Calcutta High Court has postponed the hearing of Tata Motors’ petition against the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Act, 2011. Tata Motors has challenged the Act passed by the West Bengal Assembly ordering the company to return the land. The court has said that the matter will be discussed at 11 a. m. on Friday.
The court has also ordered the Hooghly District Magistrate to submit a report on employment of police force at the site and maintenance of law and order in the region. The report must also clarify whether assets have been looted or stolen from the factory as reported by the media and as submitted by the Tata Motors' lawyers.
The ancillary units that were a part of the Tata Nano project in Singur are preparing for a legal fight with the state government after Tata Motors' challenged the Singur land return bill. The Managing Director of Lumax, a leading auto electronic component manufacturer, D K Jain, told the TOI that they might go to court in line with Tata Motors. He added that their company is left with no choice and have to take the legal action.