Grain futures gained from the fall in Dollar

Grain futures gained from the fall in DollarAs the dollar index dropped sharply, falling 0.6 percent, Corn, soybeans and oats futures gained Friday on the Chicago Board of Trade.

Corn was up 3/4 to up 1 1/4, soybeans were up 6 1/2 to up 9 1/2, wheat was off 1 1/2 to off 1 3/4 and oats were up 5 to up 5 1/4.

Countered by reports of drier weather in the Corn Belt, a possible sign spring floods will be less severe this year, Corn prices gained with benefit from the dollar.

Wheat futures turned lower with buyers sparse just before the weekend. Soybean futures rose with old crop soybeans gaining on new crop contracts, helped by expectations the dollar would fall after European leaders agreed on a deal to help Greece manage its debt. (With Inputs from Agencies)