Google's Street View comes to TradeMe

Google's Street View comes to TradeMeIt has been learnt that soon, TradeMe property and travel shoppers, the New Zealand internet giant, has canned its earlier mapping software, Smaps and replaced it with Google Maps, thus making the paper street maps a thing of yesterday.

This change actually enable the users of TradeMe Property and its travel accommodation site Travelbug, make the most of Google's new Street View programme, launched in New Zealand today.

The users would be able to view photos of streets and surrounding areas over the internet via Street View.

Mike O'Donnell, spokesman of TradeMe, reported, "An inability to keep up with Google's innovations meant it was pragmatic to make the switch."

He added, "The incorporation of Google's Street View should make house or holiday hunting easier."

"Given we operate the most visited real estate website in New Zealand, there's an obligation on us to use the best mapping technology. Cool stuff like Street View is a good example of technology that empowers consumers," he further informed.

All 94,000 listings on TradeMe Property can avail Google's Street View.

Google's Street View is also being used by rival realestate. co. nz on about half of its 80,000 residential and lifestyle listings.

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