Health Update

Legalizing homosexuality can increase HIV/AIDS cases

Legalizing homosexuality can increase HIV/AIDS cases Different people have different views regarding homosexuality. According to Section 377 of Indian Penal Code, homosexuality is an offence and person indulging in such act can be given life imprisonment. Gay rights activists filed a PIL to seek the court's direction to decriminalise gay sex among consenting adults in private.

CDC: Children should be vaccinated against flu

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is working hard to equip Americans with tools to fight influenza. Flu takes life of 36,000 Americans each year. Authorities feel that this year they will be able to prevent flu-related deaths.

This week has been dubbed as week “National Influenza Vaccination Week.” Tuesday was celebrated as “Children’s Flu Vaccination Day.” Government is encouraging people to get themselves and their families vaccinated against influenza.

The CDC expanded the recommended age for children to get the flu vaccine to six months through 18 years. According to the national Parent Teachers Association, children, on average, miss five days of school a year due to cold and flu.

Mediterranean diet enriched with ‘Nuts’ - beneficial for health

According to the Spanish researchers, mixed nuts, with the Mediterranean daily diet, may help older people manage their metabolic syndrome, a group of related disorders included abdominal obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and abnormal blood sugar. “The results of the present study show that a non-energy-restricted traditional Mediterranean diet enriched with nuts, which is high in fat, high in unsaturated fat and palatable, is a useful tool in managing the metabolic syndrome,” they wrote in the Archives of Internal Medicine. 

Guinea worm disease near eradication

Guinea worm disease near eradicationGuinea worm disease has been prevalent in African and Asian populations since antiquity. But according to Jimmy Carter, the disease may be on the verge of being eradicated. The former US president has pioneered a global effort to fight Dracunculiasis, or Guinea worm disease through his work with the Carter Center, a foundation he and his wife, Rosalind, established for fighting disease and promoting human rights.

Tighter controls on industrial chemical melamine

Tighter controls on industrial chemical melamineThe WHO has laid down strict guidelines on industrial chemical melamine. The move is prompted to prevent food contamination scandals similar to the one experienced by China this year. Before the discovery of melamine contamination , the FDA could not determine any safe level for the chemical in formula.

Second smoking has adverse affect on fertility of women

Various studies have established health hazards of exposure to second-hand smoke. Recent research has revealed one more health hazard faced by women due to exposure to second hand smoke. The study showed that women, who are exposed to second hand smoke, either as children or as adults have 68 percent more risk of fertility problems and miscarriage.

Researchers analyzed data collected from 4,800 non-smoking women. The study participants were asked to give details of their pregnancies, attempts to get pregnant, and miscarriages, as well as their history of smoking and breathing second-hand smoke. 
