Health News

Global Fund faces 4-billion-dollar budget shortfall next year

HIV/AIDS, Bangkok - Global Fund - the main multilateral donor for health programs combatting HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria - is facing a 4-billion-dollar budget shortfall next year, the fund's executive director said Monday.

"We are facing a financial crisis," Global Fund executive director Michel Kazatchkine said. "We estimate our funding gap in 2010 to be somewhere around 4 billion."

Herbal extract inhibits pancreatic cancer development

Herbal extract inhibits pancreatic cancer developmentWashington, Apr 20 : A herb used in traditional medicine by many Middle Eastern and Asian countries not only kill pancreatic cancer cells but also appears to inhibit development of pancreatic cancer as a result of its anti-inflammatory properties, researchers from the Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson found.

Vegetable juice may help people with metabolic syndrome lose weight

Vegetable juice may help people with metabolic syndrome lose weightWashington, April 20 : A study conducted at the Baylor College of Medicine has revealed that drinking at least one glass of low sodium vegetable juice daily may help overweight people with metabolic syndrome lose weight.

Researchers found that participants who drank at least 8-ounces of low sodium vegetable juice as part of a calorie-controlled DASH diet lost four pounds over 12 weeks, while those who followed the same diet but drank no juice lost one pound.

Fidgeting good for children's mind and bodies

Fidgeting good for children's mind and bodiesWiesbaden, Germany  - Rocking a chair back and forth is good for a child's body and mental capacity, according to a study conducted in Germany.

The study found that the rocking motion can reduce pressure on the backbone that can have a negative impact on body posture, breathing and organ function.

The study also found that rocking a chair can also improve a child's concentration and attention span.

Cardiac arrest: The signs to look out for in women

Cardiac-arrestMunich  - The symptoms of a heart attack in women are usually different to those in men.

Among men, the typical indicators of a myocardial infarction are chest pains that radiate to an arm, claustrophobia, anxiety and dizziness.

Women are more likely to complain of pressure in the upper abdomen, sweat attacks, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, back pain or pain between the shoulder blades, in the jaw bone or facial area.

Pills, ginger or a nap: Some useful remedies against sea sickness

Pills, ginger or a nap: Some useful remedies against sea sicknessBerlin  - Typical indicators for sea sickness are a dry mouth, cold sweat, dizziness and nausea, sometimes followed by vomiting.

Medically speaking sea sickness is a variation of motion sickness or kinetosis. Though it does not always end up with the affected person "feeding the fishes", it can however ruin a boat trip. But, with the right medicine and a few useful tips, it can be kept under control.
