Health News

Energy drinks ''harmful for people with high BP, heart disease''

Energy drinks ''harmful for people with high BP, heart disease''Washington, Mar 26 : Energy drinks may prove harmful for people with hypertension and heart disease, says a new study.

The Henry Ford Hospital research, which will be published online in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy, found that healthy adults who drank two cans a day of a popular energy drink experienced an increase in their blood pressure and heart rate.

Herbal medicines can help treat gastrointestinal disease

Herbal medicines can help treat gastrointestinal diseaseWashington, Mar 25 : A new study has suggested that herbal medicines could benefit patients suffering from gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders that cannot be treated using conventional drug therapy.

For the study, researchers reviewed data on Japanese herbal medicines and found them to be effective in reducing the symptoms of GI disorders such as functional dyspepsia, constipation, and postoperative ileus.

Yellow eye is an unreliable indicator of jaundice risk in infants: Study

Yellow eye is an unreliable indicator of jaundice risk in infants: StudyWashington, Mar 25 : Paediatric researchers have found that common practice of visual inspection (looking for yellowish eye, or skin tone) is not a reliable method to predict a newborn''s risk of jaundice.

The yellowness comes from a blood byproduct, bilirubin, and a child that develops high levels of bilirubin has a potentially serious condition called hyperbilirubinemia.

Increased fructose intake may raise obesity, diabetes risk

Increased fructose intake may raise obesity, diabetes riskWashington, Mar 25 : Johns Hopkins scientists have found that an increased consumption of fructose can lead to higher food intake, which may contribute to a high incidence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

Because of the recent inclination towards excessive consumption of ''high energy'' foods and sedentary behaviour, there is a high incidence of obesity and its pathological consequences.

Such lifestyles have led to the increased occurrence of insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.

Laser treatment on rise in US

Laser treatment on rise in USWashington, Mar 25 : Over the past three years there has been a drastic increase in the number of patients seeking laser treatments to take light-years off their faces, says a new American survey.

According to American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS)'s annual Procedural Survey, there has been a 456pct increase in the number of males undergoing laser resurfacing, compared to 215pct in females.

Laser resurfacing is performed with a "super-pulsed" carbon dioxide (CO2) laser to minimize wrinkles and lines on the face.

Black women three times more likely to develop aggressive breast cancer

Black women three times more likely to develop aggressive breast cancerWashington, Mar 25 : Black women are three times more likely than whites to develop aggressive breast cancer, according to a new study.

The research team led by Dr Carol Rosenberg at Boston University School of Medicine has found that despite lifestyle, age and weight black women face three fold risk of developing an aggressive ''triple negative tumour''.

During the study, the researchers focused on 415 breast cancer cases.
