Bird Flu

New bird flu case in China

New bird flu case in ChinaBeijing  - A two-year-old girl has been infected with bird fly and is in a critical condition in China's northern Shanxi province, a health official of the provincial government confirmed Sunday, according to a report by the Chinese Xinhua news agency.

The girl's health had deteriorated after she first fell ill on January 7, and she had been taken to the Shanxi hospital following initial treatment in a different hospital.

Medical tests by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that she was infected with the H5N1 strain of avian influenza.

Young girl infected with bird flu in China

Young girl infected with bird flu in China Beijing  - A two-year-old girl has been infected with bird fly and is in a critical condition in China's northern Shanxi province, a health official of the provincial government confirmed Sunday, according to a report by the Chinese Xinhua news agency.

The girl is the second person infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus within a month in China.

Her health had deteriorated after she first fell ill on January 7, and she had been taken to the Shanxi hospital following initial treatment in a different hospital.

Live chicken sales resume in Hong Kong after bird flu outbreak

Live chicken sales resume in Hong Kong after bird flu outbreakHong Kong - Live chicken sales are to resume in Hong Kong, three weeks after a bird flu outbreak that led to the slaughter of tens of thousands of birds, officials said Monday.

Imports of live chickens from mainland China will restart and markets will be able to sell live poultry from Tuesday morning, the territory's government announced.

The resumption of live chicken sales comes after the most severe bird flu scare to hit the city of 6.9 million in recent years, triggered by an outbreak on a chicken farm on December 9.

Bird flu hit West Bengal

Bird flu hit West BengalMalda (WB) Dec 16 : Outbreak of bird flu has been reported at English Bazar in Malda district of West Bengal.

According to District Magistrate Sridhar Ghosh, the high risk disease detection laboratory of Bhopal has confirmed this after examining blood samples of dead chicken.

"The culling operations in the area will begin after issuance of formal notification," he added.

Authorities have asked people to refrain from sale, purchase and eating of poultry products. The move follows the death of more than 1,000 chicken in five villages under Narhatta Gram Panchayat in Malda district.

Thailand detects new bird flu outbreak

Thailand detects new bird flu outbreakBangkok  - Thailand has detected a fresh outbreak of avian influenza among free-range chickens in the northern province of Sukhothai, the country's agriculture minister confirmed Monday.

Agriculture Minister Somsak Prissananathakul said lab tests had confirmed that a dead chicken from a family farm in Thuang Saliam district of Sukhothai province had died of an infection with H5N1, the virus subtype causing bird flu.

Study confirms movement of bird flu from Asia to North America via birds

Bird FluWashington, October 29: An international team of researchers claims that it has unearthed evidence for the movement of Asian forms of avian influenza to Alaska by northern pintail ducks.

Scientists with the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) joined forces with researchers at the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska and the University of Tokyo to study the role of migratory birds in the transfer of avian influenza viruses between Asia and North America.
