Food cannot improvise autism symptom

Food cannot improvise autism symptomAutism is a neurogical disorder also knows as autism spectrum disorder. The symptoms of the disease includes delayed or abnormal talking patterns, high pitched or flat accent, be short of eye contact, complicatedness in recognizing pitch of voice and body language as a method of conveying mockery, comedy etc.

They show some rhythmic actions like repeating the same thing, owing an avid interest. These kinds of patients have limited or almost no friend circle.

Analysis shows that at least 1 in 110 children have this kind of syndrome. Doctors and dietary experts say that the symptoms can be demised by changing the food habits. A special diet called gluten and casein free diets are prescribed to the patients. But study shows that this diet structure don't suppress the disease symptoms.

Study was conducted on 22 autistic children between 2 and 6 years old. They were given gluten free diet for 2 weeks and 22 hours. Parents, educator, and scientists examined the children's activities and indications before and after the due time. It was found that there were no changes in any symptom of autism disorder.