Flowers Can Help You Experience The World Of Sweet Dreams
Flowers are the symbol of happiness and greetings and a recent study carried out by a team of German Researchers has put forward the fact that sleeping with flowers in your bedroom will give you the experience of sweet dreams.
The team used 15 female volunteers to reach this conclusion, and they analyzed their sleep for full 30 days.
While the women were in the Rapid Eye Movement Period of sleep, the time when dreams occur, the researchers pumped scents of rotten eggs, roses or no scent, under their noses for ten seconds. After this, the description of their dreams was recorded once they woke up.
Though the smells practically did not become part of the dreams itself, they did have affect on the emotions of the dreamer. The women who were exposed to fragrance of roses did not exactly dream of roses. The researchers found that there was a correlation between positive smell and positive emotion and same went to negative smell and negative emotion.
These findings have led to the arousal of studying the nightmares in the minds of the researchers as they feel that positive smells can really help those who suffer from nightmares.
The findings were presented during the Annual Meeting of the 2008 American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF), held in Chicago.