First time in their 40-year history, Snowbirds to have a woman leader

First time in their 40-year history, Snowbirds to have a woman leaderAccording to the official reports, the Snowbirds, the Canadian Forces Air Command's high-performance stunt team, are getting a woman commander for the first time in their 40-year history.

The Comox Valley Record has reported that Lt. Col. Maryse Carmichael, who flew with the Snowbirds in 2001 and 2002, takes over command of the squadron on Thursday.

Carmichael, whose appointment coincides with the 100th anniversary of licensed women pilots, was the first female military air demonstration pilot in the world, the newspaper said.

Maj. Chris Hope, a team member, said, "She's just outstanding people, so to have her coming back as our commanding officer is great." (With Inputs from Agencies)