Fend off pushy offers of drink with nice response

Hamburg - "Thank you, but I'd rather have a glass of water" is a good way to refuse alcoholic drinks offered by people who seem to want to force others to drink.

It's important that when someone is invited to drink they say thanks for the offer, according to etiquette trainer Imme Vogelsang of Hamburg. At the same time, the person invited should make it clear that they do not want any alcohol.

That way, they do not snub the person who extended the invitation, but they also clearly state their position. When someone offers to buy a round, especially when the atmosphere is festive, it's advisable to accept a non-alcoholic drink.

"That way the mood is maintained," said psychologist Rebekka Gerlach of Humboldt University in Berlin. It's best to be honest if you want to excuse yourself early from drinking a round. Be honest and say when you are tired and want to go home. And before going, say good bye to everyone in the party, Gerlach said. (dpa)
