Fat & Obesity Can Cause 6 Types Of Common Cancers: A Study
A study has shows that body fat and obesity are more closely linked to cancer. Excess body fat can cause six different types of common cancers, including post-menopausal breast, endometrial, oesophagus, pancreatic, bowel, and kidney cancers.
An analysis of 7,000 cancer studies from around the world dating back to 1960s was done in the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) report. It was concluded that red and processed meat, including ham and bacon, increases the chances of bowel cancer. Thus, people should avoid such meat. However, fruits and vegetables should be added to diet to offer the degree of protection from cancer.
Professor Sir Michael Marmot, professor of Public Health at University College London, said, “We are recommending that people aim to be as lean as possible within the healthy range, and that they avoid weight gain throughout adulthood.”
“If people follow our recommendations, they can be confident they are following the best advice possible based on all the scientific research done up to this point,” said, Professor Martin Wiseman, project director of the new report.
People should consume less than 500 grams, or 18 ounces of cooked red meat per week, and avoid processed meat if possible.
According to Jeffrey Prince, American Institute for Cancer Research’s official, who also co-sponsored the study, to reduce the risk of cancer is within the control of a person.
“There are changes that you can make in the way you live. There are choices that you can make about diet, physical activity and weight management which will reduce you risks of ever contracting this terrible disease,” said Prince.
The experts recommend staying as slim as possible in normal weight range, eating vegetarian diet with 500 grams of red meat per week, little processed meat, and limited amounts of energy-dense foods. One should limit salt to about 6 grams a day, having no more than one drink of alcohol a day for women, only two drinks for men.
Physical activity like brisk walking of 30 minutes a day is also recommended.
Walter Willett of Harvard University says Mother’s milk is best food for newborn, but it can also help prevent cancer in mother.
He said, “Our report found convincingly that mothers who breastfeed reduce their own chances of developing pre- and post-menopausal breast cancer. This benefit of breastfeeding is probably related to hormonal factors.”
Dr. Phillip James, who chairs the International Obesity Taskforce, said, “The biggest challenge for governments is that in Africa and Asia, as people come from the poor villages, they come into a city where the cheapest and simple foods that keep the longest are the energy-dense foods, which is precisely what we think is contributing to their problem. And in this report we show that there's a dramatic swing in the type and magnitude of the cancer risk as you go through that, what's called nutrition transition.”
Dr. Willett said, “Optimism is reflected in the recommendations in this new report. Following those steps, everyone — overweight, lean, tall, short, women and men — can significantly reduce their chances of developing cancer for the rest of their life. And, I think that’s a very optimistic message.”